Exciting news of an archaeological site in Greenham being excavated by Thames Valley Archaeological Services with Bronze Age, Iron Age and Roman features!



There this a new housing development building built to the west of New Road, Greenham. Thames Valley Archaeological Services have been contracted to carry out excavations onsite and a wide range of finds have been discovered.

Further information will be added to the webpage http://tvas.co.uk/news/post036-Greenham.html as the work progresses, but there are already several round houses as well as the tantalising edges of two ring ditches on the eastern boundary, which could represent the remains of Bronze Age round barrows, but which cannot be fully investigated at this time. A very Late Iron Age or early Roman burial has also been found, with an unusual flagon. There are also features which are likely to be medieval, or post-medieval.

Many of the pottery and samples have been taken back for analysis by the finds experts, to be written up in a final report, with the archive eventually deposited in West Berkshire Museum. We therefore won’t get the whole picture for a while, but it’s an exciting glimpse into the lives of people who lived in our ward, from over 3,000 years ago up to more recent times.