Greenham Parish Grants Page
Greenham Parish, Grants

Greenham Parish Council awards grants to local organisations under power Section 137 of the 1972 Local Government Act. This is a power to incur expenditure not otherwise authorised on anything which in the council's opinion is in the interests of the area or part of it or all / or some of the inhabitants.

The basic criteria is that the applicant should be an organised group either based in Greenham and/or offering significant benefits to the residents of Greenham. For further guidance please refer to the Council's Grant policy on the Policies page. Applications should be made in the first instance to the Clerk, if your project is on The Good Exchange please ensure you provide us with your project number.

2023-2024 Grants Awarded

£569.50 donated to Solar Lights for St Mary's Church Car Park

£770 donated to West Berkshire Therapy Center

£5,000 donated to St Mary's Footpath Resurface, Good Exchange

2022-2023 Grants Awarded

£1,000 donated to a festival marking the fiftieth Anniversary of the Expulsion of the Ugandan Asians, Good Exchange Project 19335

£700 donated to the West Berkshire Therapy, Good Exchange 19452

£5,000 donated to West Berkshire Ukraine's, Good Exchange

£364.00 donated to St Mary's Church Toddler Playgroup

£5,000 donated to Wash Common Scout Hut Group, Good Exchange 19583

£232.51 donated to St Mary's Church

£800 donated to Storage Facilities for Newbury Parkrun, donated to Good Exchange 19715

£1,114.00 donated to Parenting Special Children, Good Exchange 19678

£500 donated to Wash Common Scouts, Good Exchange 19771

£300 donated to Draught Busters, Good Exchange 19803

£325 donated to The Nest Project at St Mary's Church

£1,500 donated to the Newbury Library

2021-22 Grants Awarded

Greenham Peace Women 40th Anniversary Event £1,000, Good Exchange project 18549

St Mary's Church £600 - Maintenance of gravel paths

Greener Greenham £345 - Litter picking event

Greenham Control Tower £10,000 - Improvements to the outside area at the Control Tower, Good Exchange Project 18423

Citizens Advice Bureau £5,000 - Yearly Donation, Good Exchange Project number 18822

Newbury Corn Exchange £1,000 - Good Exchange Project number 18569

2020-21 Grants awarded

Citizens Advice West Berkshire, £5,000 -18147

Community Youth Project, Greenham £3,000 - 18372

Friends of the Earth (Lockdown Woods), £230 - 18315

Greenham Control Tower Ltd (charity), £3,500 - 18174

Greenham Trust Coronavirus Emergency Appeal, £10,000 - 17994

Newbury Spring Festival 2020, £2,000 - 17632

Newbury Weekly News Over 80s Christmas Parcel Fund, £250 - 18393

West Berkshire Foodbank, £5,000

2019-20 Grants awarded

Berkshire Youth, £11,000 - 14703 - Project is still live

Citizens Advice West Berkshire, £4,000 - 16038 - Evaluation reports completed

Handybus, £500 - 16016 - Evaluation reports overdue (deadline was 22/10/20)

St Mary's Church, Greenham, Heating refurbishment £500 - 14720 - Evaluation reports completed