Greenham Parish Council Defibrillator Locations

Please find below a map detailing the location of Defibrillators that are currently situated within Greenham Parish Council. The defibrillators are situated at:

  • The Plough on the Green Pub
  • Newbury Racecourse (Near the Train Station)
  • St Mary's Church 
  • Greenham Control Tower
  • Diamond Playing Field
  • The Crucible Snooker Club

The Parish Council will hopefully  be installing an additional defibrillator in the next month within the Parish. 

If you have any questions about the defibrillators,  then please get in touch with

If you notice any other maintenance issues throughout the parish then you can either contact the Clerk on the above email address or contact WBDC to report any issues, for example, fly tipping or Highways issues.

Defib Locations.pngDefib Locations.png