Greenham Parish Council Page Selector
Greenham Parish Council Page Selector

Transparency Code 15

The transparency code for smaller authorities came into effect on 1 April 2015. This code mandates that smaller councils with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000 must publish specific financial and administrative information online, making it accessible to the public. All Councils payments and income is listed on the Minutes of each meeting under Appendix 1. 


Greenham Parish Council has the power to award grants to local organisations under section 137 of the 1972 Local Government Act. The basic criteria is that the applicant should be an organised group either based in Greenham and/or offering significant benefits to the residents of Greenham. For further guidance please refer to the Council's Grant policy on the Policies page. Applications should be made in the first instance to the Clerk.


The local planning authority is West Berkshire District Council. Greenham Parish Council submits comments on planning applications within the Parish and adjacent applications ‘just over the border’. Greenham Parish Council is only one of a number of consultees, whose comments are taken into consideration.

To see the Greenham Parish Council comments on local planning applications go to: West Berkshire District Council Planning Applications. You can enter an application number to view all the associated documents. Alternatively you can enter an address or postcode to see all the applications in that area.